Bureau TBS is a compelling reality series from acclaimed filmmaker Roy Dames, offering an unprecedented look into the lives of TBS (psychiatric detention) lawyers and their clients. This series takes viewers deep into the Dutch judicial system, focusing on the complex and often controversial cases involving offenders with severe psychological or personality disorders.
Told from the perspective of the dedicated lawyers at Bureau TBS, the series explores the intricate processes of defending clients convicted of crimes serious enough to warrant TBS. From uncovering procedural errors and presenting alternative evidence to navigating the delicate balance of justice and rehabilitation, these attorneys face immense challenges as they work to protect their clients’ rights.
Unlike traditional crime documentaries, Bureau TBS follows the journey beyond the clinic walls, showing the clients’ struggles to reintegrate into society under strict conditions. It examines the blurred lines between guilt, accountability, and mental health, while remaining deeply sensitive to victims and their families.
Filmed with Roy Dames’ signature raw and intimate style, Bureau TBS is a thought-provoking series that brings viewers face-to-face with the stark realities of crime, punishment, and the quest for redemption. With at least 8 episodes of 25 minutes each, it promises to be a provocative and impactful exploration of the justice system.
Finished Series – 300 Episodes x 30 minutes