Line of Fire, directed by Roel Reiné, is a powerful feature film inspired by the true events in the life of Dutch soldier Marco Kroon. The story follows Kroon’s harrowing journey from the battlefields of Afghanistan—where he led his men with extraordinary bravery and earned the Military William Order, the Netherlands’ highest military honor—to the deeply personal battles he faced upon returning home.
Far from a simple war story, Line of Fire delves into the psychological toll of heroism. Kroon’s struggle with personal trauma and public scrutiny forms the heart of the narrative, as he grapples with the inability to confide in his partner Mirjam and fights to maintain his integrity in the face of adversity.
Featuring an exceptional Dutch cast, the film brings authenticity and emotional depth to its characters. Directed by Roel Reiné, known for his grand historical epic Michiel de Ruyter, Line of Fire masterfully balances gripping action sequences with a poignant exploration of the human cost of war.
This is a story of courage, sacrifice, and the enduring scars left by both battlefields—abroad and at home.
Finished Series – 300 Episodes x 30 minutes