We Love Camping is a heartwarming and adventurous television format that celebrates the joys of camping, a beloved pastime for millions. Hosted by a celebrity and their family, the series embarks on a picturesque journey across Europe, uncovering the most stunning and unique camping destinations the continent has to offer.
In each episode, the family sets up camp in a new location, immersing themselves in the surrounding natural beauty and local culture. From scenic hikes to engaging activities and hidden local treasures, they provide an authentic glimpse into the camping lifestyle. Along the way, viewers are treated to practical tips and tricks, ensuring the show is both entertaining and educational for seasoned campers and newcomers alike.
We Love Camping offers a perfect blend of adventure, family bonding, and expert guidance, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration for their next outdoor escape or simply wanting to enjoy Europe’s breathtaking landscapes from their living room.
Stay tuned for the upcoming spin-off We Love Wintersport, which promises to bring the same spirit of exploration and practical advice to snowy alpine adventures.
Finished Series – 300 Episodes x 30 minutes